Good point; see sub-thread "Innocence of Luxury" (nt)

Aug 29, 2013,23:37 PM



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"Knowledge usually ruins luxury?!"

 By: small-luxury-world : August 29th, 2013-03:31
Recently I had a discussion about luxury . My counterpart told me that knowledge usually ruins luxury. At least he said, it will allow you to make some sort of evaluation about the added value. From my point of view luxury is nonsense without knowledge. T...  

I am with you, Oliver

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 29th, 2013-03:47
To me, to truly appreciate a luxury, it requires a certain degree of knowledge. I know from experience that when I have experienced something of true quality, my appreciation for it varies according to how knowledgable I am. Perhaps there is an issue here... 

Luxury is only a veneer if it is ruined by knowledge

 By: AndrewD : August 29th, 2013-03:59
Your friend is quite wrong. But luxury that holds up against scrutiny (and be sure that it doesn't take much to destroy decades of work and focus) is the only true luxury. And luxury cannot be bought, not true luxury anyway, it has to be earned with time ... 

I actually agree with your friend...

 By: apropos : August 29th, 2013-04:22
...but for a different reason. For me, luxury is impossible within a bit of dramatic impact and mystery . It must be something that amazes , and for me, that which I understand loses a little bit of its ability to amaze. It is like looking at the beautifu... 

But if you made the perfect decision ...

 By: small-luxury-world : August 29th, 2013-06:46
"Marry her and that initial 'wow' goes away." But if you made the perfect decision (based on some knowledge :-) ) ... you will probably get something even better. For example, my grand aunt used to taught me: "Before you marry a girl you should have a loo... 

Knwoledge kills " SUPPOSED " luxury, while it helps to appreciate " TRUE " Luxury.

 By: amanico : August 29th, 2013-04:45
I can't help laughing when I read that some brands claim to be luxury brands... Best, Nicolas

You nailed it, Nicolas!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : August 29th, 2013-12:15
Oliver, From my point of view, Nicolas nailed exactly what I have tried to formulate since I read your post earlier today! "Knwoledge kills " SUPPOSED " luxury, while it helps to appreciate " TRUE " Luxury." :) Best Blomman

You are too kind. ;)

 By: amanico : August 29th, 2013-12:37

I'm in

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 29th, 2013-05:12
Nicolas camp here It can work both ways so as stupidly and naive as it may sound you and your fried are right in your own Knowing a lot makes you more prone to BS and that necesserily kills some joy.... at least the openhearted one. Best D

The fact of the matter is that...

 By: Tony C. : August 29th, 2013-05:47
most consumers of luxury items are not particularly discerning, and are every bit as susceptible to marketing as lower end consumers. For the most part, they purchase luxury items because they are expensive, and because of brand awareness. Og course there... 

Great question. We PuristsPro posters are much more likely...

 By: CR : August 29th, 2013-06:35
... than the average person is to require "knowledge" as a component of luxury. Some degree of knowledge is what draws us to this place and keeps us here. Of course, the value we place on any given aspect of horological knowledge (e.g., history of the bra... 

"resolves cognitive dissonance"

 By: cazalea : August 29th, 2013-10:28
What a great phrase - it encapsulates the essence of being a Purist. The Financial Times today carried a column where a reporter described still carrying (and liking) a Blackberry phone. Ridiculed by children and adults alike, he can remember only two yea...  

Knowledge up to a certain point is good for luxury. Beyond that, bad for luxury...

 By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2013-11:07
I can tell you, that Brand X watches are so good, the steel gears have their teeth milled and the actual tiny gear teeth themselves are polished. By hand! Using WOOD!! That's good and helpful. This amount of knowledge increases the perceived value of luxu... 

The essential quality of luxury . . .

 By: Dr No : August 29th, 2013-11:36
. . . lies in exclusivity, not quality. Both are requisite, but only exclusivity is necessary and sufficient; quality is merely necessary. I'm not sure what your friend meant, but if he's referring to awareness of exclusivity, then his point is a narrow o...  

are there multiple definitions of luxury? the one most common..

 By: Ronald Held : August 29th, 2013-14:53
For most of the world versus the one we PuristS use? Is there a threshold where too much information ruins the perception of luxury?

I don't know if knowledge ruins luxury

 By: Gav : August 29th, 2013-19:23
But knowledge turned what I thought was just supposedly luxury to passion.

What i find funny about luxury

 By: JerryW : August 29th, 2013-20:26
is that high end expensive "Luxury items" are in several cases not as reliable or as well built as much less expensive items. With watches I think I am buying a work of art, not the most accurate or reliable watch. The same can apply to cars or any other ... 

Spot-on Oliver

 By: =RWK= : August 29th, 2013-22:33
Cheers, -- Richard.

Innocence of Luxury OR Luxury of Innocence?

 By: MTF : August 30th, 2013-00:08
Oliver, Thanks for the dilemma..... Previously, I defined luxury with "cost" by saying, "The true cost of luxury is the choice that it affords." I am drawn to both your friend's and your viewpoints, thus hinting that there is more than one definition of l...  

I don't agree that "ruins" but "limit" ...

 By: nilomis : August 30th, 2013-04:41
Knowledge limits us on some points: - To ignore "fads" - Avoid pure marketing plots - Blocks us from acquisitions of adulterated pseudo vintage pieces - Avoid companies that don't provide good service . . . - And the list goes. By and large, A.P. (after P... 

Thanks all for your interesting replies ...

 By: small-luxury-world : August 30th, 2013-05:01
which I appreciated a lot. Once more, it is great to be a Purist :-) Let me add some quotes : "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Coco Chanel " It is much better to enjoy a rose petal , as to lay their roots under the m... 

Wonderful quotes

 By: amerix : August 30th, 2013-09:14
Here's another one: "Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise." Thomas Gray Not that I agree, of course! I want to know everything about a watch, how it was made, by whom, etc. That way I can respect, appreciate, and - enjoy - it all the more. Knowi... 

Also from Oscar Wilde

 By: long71 : August 30th, 2013-13:34
"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." Conor

That one, I know by heart. ;)

 By: amanico : August 30th, 2013-14:08
Another french writer once said: " The truth is not always good to hear, that's why we rarely tell it. " I don't remember if he's Sacha Guitry or Pierre Dac. But that is brilliant.

Oliver, interesting post.

 By: CaliforniaJed : August 30th, 2013-20:53
I realized while reading the replies that I don't like to think of my watches as luxury so much as quality. Maybe I fool myself to a degree. Best, CaliforniaJed

Andrew ...

 By: small-luxury-world : September 3rd, 2013-07:45
thanks :-) Oliver